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Fast Fit® Tray Stand 2 ft x 4 ft
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Fast Fit® Tray Stand 2 ft x 4 ft


HGC706120 - Fast Fit Tray Stand 2 ft x 4 ft
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Hawthorne Gardening Company Presents The Fast Fit

Our experienced research and development team designed and engineered interlocking components that simply slide together, while maintaining excellent stability. Only after the heavy duty steel framed FAST FIT - Light & Tray Stands passed endurance tests, did it earn the "Toolless Seal of Approval".

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How To Assemble The Fast Fit

The unique patented FAST FIT is the only LIGHT & TRAY STAND on the market that easily assembles in minutes without tools. Ordinary LIGHT & TRAY STANDS require fumbling around with nuts and bolts, while FAST FIT uses the "no hassle" SIMPLE INTERLOCKING TECHNOLOGY. Toolless assembly light and tray stands fit all popular brand tray sizes.

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HGC706120 - Fast Fit Tray Stand 2 ft x 4 ft
Upc: 847127003176 20847127003170
Quantity: 24
Volume (cf): 2.055 57.678
Dim Weight (in3/lb): 24.957 717.030
Weight (lb): 35.910 897.000
Length (in): 53.700 53.700
Width (in): 9.500 40.000
Height (in): 6.800 46.400
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